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New survey shows Toronto Hydro customers aren't prepared for emergencies

Findings are worrisome as climate change is contributing to more storms and extreme weather

TORONTO, May 8, 2017 /CNW/ - It's Emergency Preparedness Week, but a new survey is showing Toronto Hydro customers aren't getting the message about emergency preparedness, despite public awareness campaigns.

Toronto Hydro is encouraging customers to put together an emergency preparedness kit as part of Emergency Preparedness Week. (CNW Group/Toronto Hydro Corporation)

When questioned, 36% of customers admitted to feeling unprepared for an emergency — such as a power outage — and only 9% have a fully complete emergency preparedness kit at home.

With the potential for increased storms due to climate change, such as the rain and flooding seen last week, there's a risk of increased power outages. We want our customers to take action before emergencies happen.

Getting prepared is as simple as following Toronto Hydro's tips:

  • Keep your emergency kit in an easy-to-access location known to all family members
  • Essential items include water, non-perishable food, a flashlight, battery-powered or crank radio, extra batteries, a first aid kit and cash
  • Customize your kit to your family – aging parents, young children and pets may require more preparation, including medications


A full list of what to pack is available on our website at torontohydro.com/beprepared. In addition, we'll be posting emergency preparedness tips on social media for the entire week, in an effort to encourage our customers to get prepared.


  • In the event of an emergency, you should be prepared to be without power for 72-hours
  • Pack at least four litres of water, per person per day
  • Check batteries twice a year
  • Ensure that you have at least one cell phone or non-cordless telephone
  • Have a list of emergency contact numbers nearby



"We know it's difficult to think about emergencies when everything is running smoothly, but planning for the unexpected is the most important part. Now is the time to think about what your family needs to stay safe and comfortable during emergencies, such as a power outage."
-       Tori Gass, Spokesperson, Toronto Hydro


Toronto Hydro owns and operates the electricity distribution system for Canada's largest city. A leader in conservation and demand management, it has 761,000 customers located in the city of Toronto and distributes approximately 19% of the electricity consumed in Ontario.

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SOURCE Toronto Hydro Corporation