Streetlighting requests

Submit requests to relocate, improve, or have Toronto Hydro assume streetlighting.

For downed powerlines, exposed wires, knocked down poles and hanging light fixtures, call Toronto Hydro immediately at 416-542-8000 and press 1.

Do you need to report a streetlight out? Please fill out our online form.

This page is for those who are looking to:

  • Relocate streetlighting assets
  • Request that Toronto Hydro assume streetlighting infrastructure in a new development site
  • Request spot improvements to improve lighting in a certain area

Find out more and submit your request by following the steps outlined below.

Streetlight relocations

When a proposal for a development or project conflicts with existing streetlighting infrastructure, we consider relocation requests from the following organizations:

  • Government agencies
  • Public sector agencies
  • Privately held companies
  • Public companies

To accommodate your development or project, you can request to move, divert, build or otherwise alter – in a temporary or permanent manner – existing streetlighting assets within a work construction area or registered easement.

Which process should you choose?

There are two ways to complete your relocation request. You can either enter a coordination agreement where you’ll be responsible for all design and construction using Toronto Hydro-approved contractors, or you can have Toronto Hydro complete the design and build. You should select the option that best suits your needs and timeline. Below are the steps required for each option.

For complex projects that may involve multiple design stages, the need for temporary lighting, or when Toronto Hydro is not able to meet the desired timeline, you will have the option to execute the project using Toronto Hydro’s approved contractors through a Coordination Agreement.

With this option, you‘ll be responsible for all design, construction and associated costs, as well as any required maintenance of the proposed streetlights. Before starting any lighting installation or construction, you must submit the proposed designs to us for review and approval.

The timing of a relocation project through a Coordination Agreement varies based on the scope of work and the schedule of the consulting and contracting agencies that the developers choose to hire.

Step 1: Submit request form

Submit your relocation request by filling out our Streetlight Relocation Request Form (PDF, 94 KB). Then submit your form by email to Please include the project location in the email subject line.

Note: We require a timeline and specific project details in the application, including which specific streetlight assets are required to be relocated. To help meet your desired timeline, please submit your request before the construction phase of your project.

Step 2: Toronto Hydro review and evaluation

We’ll contact you to confirm and review the scope of work and details of the proposed streetlighting infrastructure relocation. Once we’ve completed the review and estimation, we’ll provide you with a job quotation.

Step 3: Pre-payment

Once you review the job quotation, please submit pre-payment according to the instructions on the job quotation. Payment must be received before the Coordination Agreement can be drafted and design review work can be completed. Once we've received your purchase order or certified cheque, we'll continue the Coordination Agreement and request for design submission.

Step 4: Pre-coordination agreement checklist

We’ll send you a pre-coordination agreement checklist, indicating all deliverables required throughout the project.

Step 5: Coordination Agreement

We'll prepare and issue a Coordination Agreement. Please sign the agreement and return it to Toronto Hydro with all other specified deliverables attached as per the Coordination Agreement. Once we've received the agreement and all satisfactory deliverables, we’ll sign the agreement and provide an executed copy for your records.

Step 6: Hire an approved contractor

You may only hire approved contractors and consultants that are on the list of approved contractors in the Coordination Agreement. We’ll schedule a mandatory meeting with you and the hired approved contractors and consultants must also be present at this meeting as per the agreement.

Step 7: Provide design for Toronto Hydro approval

Follow the guidelines outlined in the Coordination Agreement when completing the design work to ensure all requirements have been met and submit designs for our review.

Step 8: Approval of design

Construction can start once all necessary permits have been obtained and we’ve signed off on all relevant designs. This includes temporary lighting, where applicable, to help ensure roadway lighting is maintained throughout the duration of your project.

At any time, we have the right to conduct streetlighting inspections relating to Toronto Hydro-owned streetlighting assets and any temporary lighting installations contributing to lighting along Toronto public roadways.

Step 9: Customer payment

After receiving all the necessary documents, we’ll provide a job quotation for final inspection. Payment must be received before the work can be performed on the date and time requested.

Step 10: Submit as-built drawings and warranties

Once the streetlight work is complete and we’ve approved the work, please provide us with the completed as-built drawings and warranties as specified in the coordination agreement.

Step 11: Construction of streetlighting infrastructure – temporary, civil, post-construction and final inspection

You’re responsible for ensuring that all streetlighting plans meet Toronto Hydro requirements and standards. Temporary lighting must be installed and maintained during the construction period and throughout the duration of the project.

We’ll audit and inspect all construction work done by the contractor and determine whether it's acceptable to Toronto Hydro as per the coordination agreement schedules. These inspections, depending on the nature of your project, may include inspections of temporary lighting installations, civil (during construction), post-construction and final inspections.

If our inspectors identify deficiencies, this step will be repeated until all deficient assets are corrected and comply with the approved design drawings and Toronto Hydro standards.

Step 12: Final approval and clearance

Once all criteria have been satisfied, we’ll issue a clearance letter approving the installed assets, ending the coordination agreement process.

The project will be completed by Toronto Hydro if the customer’s requested completion date is considered feasible by Toronto Hydro. With this option, Toronto Hydro will provide all design, construction and inspection services as it pertains to your project request. We’ll design according to our streetlight design guidelines and standard design practices, and as per the project details and proposed timelines specified in your application.

When the relocation work is completed by Toronto Hydro, the timeline for completion varies based on the scope of work. A simple streetlight relocation may take one to two months from design to construction. However, a project involving numerous streetlights, substantial underground relocation work and system reconfiguration may take anywhere from 6 to 12 months to complete.

Step 1: Submit request form

Complete your relocation request by filling out our Streetlight Relocation Request Form (PDF, 94 KB). Then submit your form by email to Please include the project location in the email subject line.

Note: We require a timeline and specific project details in the application, including specific details regarding the streetlight assets that will be impacted.

Step 2: Toronto Hydro review and evaluation

We’ll contact you to confirm and review the scope of work and details of the proposed streetlighting infrastructure relocation. Once the review and payment estimate has been completed, we’ll provide you with a job quotation.

Step 3: Submit pre-payment

Once you review and approve the job quotation, please submit payment according to the instructions on the job quotation. Payment must be received before we can begin creating the detailed estimate (Step 5 below). Once we’ve received your purchase order or certified cheque, we can continue the design and construction process.

Step 4: Additional information

We’ll work together to schedule a meeting or site visit if necessary.

Step 5: Detailed estimate

We’ll prepare a detailed estimate for the design, construction and inspection stages of the project and issue a comprehensive job quotation to you. Payment must be received before design and construction can begin.

Step 6: Design and construction completed by Toronto Hydro resources

We’ll schedule the detailed design and construction and periodically inform you of the progress. We’ll notify you upon completion and coordinate to resolve any outstanding items prior to project closure. Toronto Hydro may change any part of this process at its sole discretion.

Streetlight assumptions

When a new development requires streetlighting, we work together with the developer and the City of Toronto to coordinate the design, planning and approval processes.

Note: Toronto Hydro will not assume any assets which are deficient and do not comply with standards and guidelines.

Step 1: Submit request form

Submit your assumption request by filling out our Streetlight Assumption Request Form (PDF, 94 KB). Then submit your form by email to Please include the project location in the email subject line.

Note: You must submit this application prior to the design phase of your project. Please make sure your application includes preliminary scope/design and specifications of the proposed streetlighting.

Step 2: Toronto Hydro review and evaluation

We’ll contact you to confirm and review the scope of work and details of the new streetlighting infrastructure. Once the conceptual design review and estimation has been completed, we’ll provide you with a job quotation.

Step 3: Submit pre-payment

After you’ve reviewed and approved the job quotation, please submit payment according to the instructions on the job quotation. We must receive your pre-payment before we can begin the design review work.

Step 4: Design review and approval

Once pre-payment is received, a Toronto Hydro representative will work alongside you and/or your approved design consultant to help ensure the proposed streetlighting assets comply with our standards and guidelines. Once all criteria have been satisfied, we’ll approve the design drawings and provide a clearance letter to proceed with construction.

Step 5: Civil inspection during construction of streetlighting infrastructure

Before construction begins, you should contact Toronto Hydro to schedule a civil (during construction) inspection. A Toronto Hydro representative will work with your contractor to perform an inspection during the installation of all civil infrastructure to help ensure it complies to the approved design drawings and Toronto Hydro’s standards. Before an inspection can be scheduled, step 2 (job quotation) and step 3 (pre-payment) must be completed for the civil inspection.

Step 6: Post-construction and final inspection(s) of streetlighting infrastructure

Once the streetlight construction is complete, the developer must submit the final signed as-constructed drawings and schedule a post-construction inspection. Before an inspection can be scheduled, step 2 (job quotation) and step 3 (pre-payment) shall occur for the post-construction inspection.

If we identify deficiencies and additional inspections are required, this step will continue until all deficient assets are corrected. Final approval and clearance will not be granted until all streetlighting assets are corrected and comply with the approved design drawing and Toronto Hydro standards.

Step 7: Final approval and clearance

Once all criteria have been satisfied after inspections, we’ll issue an assumption letter approving the condition of the installed assets. At this point, Toronto Hydro will assume ownership and maintenance responsibility.

Spot improvements

If you’re a resident or member of an organization within Toronto with concerns about existing lighting conditions in an area of the city, you can submit a request to upgrade current lighting levels or install new streetlights. This is known as a spot improvement. Our team will review your request and if it meets our criteria, we may perform an upgrade to the lighting in the area.

Step 1: Submit request form

Submit your lighting improvement request by filling out our Streetlight Spot Improvement Request Form (PDF, 66 KB). Then submit your form by email to Please include the project location in the email subject line.

Note: Please be specific with the location of your request.

Step 2: Toronto Hydro reviews your request

Our Streetlighting team analyzes the lighting levels and determines whether current lighting is sufficient or requires improvement.

Step 3: Design phase

If we determine that spot improvement is required, we’ll create the design for the lighting improvement according to our Streetlighting Guidelines.

Step 4: Construction and completion

Once approved, we’ll conduct a final site inspection and construction will be performed in accordance with Toronto Hydro standards.

Payment options for relocation and assumption requests

Payment for streetlight relocation and assumption requests can be made online or by cheque. After submitting your payment, please send a digital copy of the details listed below to

  • Name of the payee
  • Address of the work location (where service is to be performed)
  • Phone number of the payee
  • Name of contact at Toronto Hydro
  • Job quotation number or copy of signed job quotation
  • Payment amount
  • Payment confirmation number or screenshot showing payment confirmation

Online payments

If your financial institution allows online payments to Toronto Hydro, you can submit your payment online. Speak to your Toronto Hydro contact to determine the correct addressee and our financial institution information.


Payments made by cheque can be mailed to or dropped off at:

500 Commissioners Street
Toronto, Ontario M4M 3N7

Note: Please include a copy of your job quotation with the cheque to ensure payment is applied correctly and avoid potential project delays. For in-person drop offs, please deposit your payment in the payment box on site. The payment box is secure and monitored by security 24 hours a day. A full list of accepted payment options is available in the job quotation.

Streetlighting requests for film shoots

Owners and operators of registered businesses can submit requests to turn specific streetlights off and on during scheduled periods of time to accommodate filming schedules. Please follow the steps outlined below to submit a film shoot request to our Streetlighting team.

Note: This request is separate from requests to film at a Toronto Hydro location. If you’re interested in filming at a Toronto Hydro location, please submit a request for a Toronto Hydro film location permit.

Step 1: Submit request form

Fill out our Streetlighting Requests for Film Shoots Form (PDF, 628 KB) and submit it by email to Please include the project location in the email subject line and ensure the form is filled out in its entirety to avoid any potential delays in processing your request.

Step 2: Toronto Hydro reviews your request

Our Streetlighting team reviews your request within five business days of receiving a completed form and determines whether it can be accommodated.

Step 3: Request for payment

If we determine that your request can be accommodated, we’ll provide you with a job quotation for payment. Payment must be made in full in advance of the requested start date in order for our team to fulfill your request.

Step 4: Toronto Hydro fulfills your request

Once full payment is received, we’ll fulfill your streetlighting requests on the agreed upon dates and times.