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Toronto Hydro encouraging residents to get ready for storm season


Forecasters are predicting a severe winter

TORONTO, Nov. 17, 2016 /CNW/ - According to forecasters, the upcoming winter season is going to be much different from last year and that could mean severe weather and possible power outages for the city of Toronto.

The Farmer's Almanac is calling for extremely cold temperatures and more storms, which is why we want our customers to get ready now by putting together an emergency preparedness kit.  A little preparation can help you stay safe and minimize inconvenience. 

While power outages don't happen often, and most don't last long, restoration can be delayed during bad weather. In the event of an emergency, you should be prepared to be without power for 72 hours. This includes having water, non-perishable food, a flashlight, a radio, extra batteries as well as other key items. It's especially important in the winter to have warm blankets. For a full list of what to pack in an emergency preparedness kit, visit torontohydro.com/beprepared.


  • When building your emergency kit, remember:
    • Pack at least four litres of water per person per day
    • Include a radio (crank or battery powered)
    • Make sure you have non-perishable food
    • Keep your emergency kit in an easy-to-access location known to all family members
    • Customize your kit to your family – aging parents, young children and pets may require more preparation
  • In the event of a major outage, Toronto Hydro has a website – OutageTO.com – that can be accessed from any device to get the latest news and updates
  • Never use BBQs, propane heaters or portable generators indoors or in enclosed spaces such as garages, covered porches and sheds – they generate carbon monoxide gas, which can be fatal



"With forecasters warning of a severe winter, the time is now to start preparing. Putting together an emergency kit can make all the difference, particularly for those with small children or seniors in their families."

-       Tori Gass, Spokesperson, Toronto Hydro


Toronto Hydro owns and operates an electricity distribution system, which delivers electricity to approximately 758,000 customers located in the city of Toronto. It is the largest municipal electricity distribution company in Canada and distributes approximately 19% of the electricity consumed in the province of Ontario.

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SOURCE Toronto Hydro Corporation