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/R E P E A T -- Media Advisory - Toronto Hydro Day - Thursday, May 28/

    TORONTO, May 27 /CNW/ - Toronto Hydro Corporation along with
environmental partners will host a public event that includes energy
conservation activities, equipment, vehicles, educational displays, giveaways
and recruitment in the middle of the bustling city. Visitors will see Toronto
Hydro from the inside-out as Yonge-Dundas Square turns into a giant
interactive exhibition providing the public with a rare look into all things
Toronto Hydro. This year, there will be a large number of school groups/young
students who will participate in this dynamic event.WHO: Anthony Haines, President, Toronto Hydro-Electric System; Chris
    Tyrrell, President, Toronto Hydro Energy Services; and Toronto Hydro
    employees from a variety of departments.


    WHEN: Thursday, May 28, 2009 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

    PHOTO OP: All day - but specific photo at 11:30 a.m. with Anthony Haines.
    He will get "geared up" for the future along with an apprentice who is
    completing electrical trades training.

    WHERE: Yonge-Dundas Square (corner of Yonge Street and Dundas Street),

    WHY: A one-of-a-kind opportunity to learn about Toronto Hydro, what it
    does and the programs that are offered to customers and residents of
    Toronto. Ask questions, get information and leave with giveaways and
    valuable tools.

        -  SUSTAINABILITY: Check out the latest technologies in
           sustainability such as: solar panels, wind turbines and smart
        -  RELIABILITY: Get up close and personal with Toronto Hydro
           equipment such as transformers, street lights, generators, bucket
           trucks, etc. Learn about Toronto Hydro's modernizing of the
           electricity grid and what it means for your neighbourhood.
        -  ENERGY EFFICIENCY: Discover new conservation products and other
           energy saving ideas, devices and vehicles such as hybrids and
        -  RECRUITMENT: Attention job seekers! Drop by Toronto Hydro's on-
           site recruitment display to learn about future training and
           employment opportunities.
        -  ENTERTAINMENT: Enjoy a carnival-like atmosphere and celebration
           with musical entertainment, stilt walkers, and performers. Give
           your opinion on electricity conservation at the Talk Box.