Business bill breakdown
Helping you understand your business bill better.

Small commercial Time-of-Use (TOU) bill
Most small commercial customers are charged TOU rates. This means that you pay according to the time of day you use electricity.

Small commercial Ultra-Low Overnight (ULO) bill
Small commercial customers have the option to choose ULO pricing. This means you pay according to the time of day and day of the week you use electricity, with an ultra-low overnight rate that encourages high electricity-usage activities to be done overnight.

Small commercial Tiered bill
Some small commercial businesses that have a demand of less than 50 kW are charged Tiered pricing. This means your consumption is separated into two price tiers under the government's Regulated Price Plan (RPP).

Interval meter sample bill
Most customers with monthly demand greater than 50 kW pay the wholesale electricity price and Global Adjustment Charge. Customers with interval meters are charged the Hourly Ontario Energy Price (HOEP).

Small commercial net metering bill
This sample bill is for customers who are part of the Net Metering Program. This means you’ll receive your monthly hydro bill for the electricity you consume from the grid that month and accumulate credits on your bill in return for the renewable electricity you sent to the grid that same month. If you have credits that exceed your monthly consumption, they will be carried over to future bills for up to 12 months.
Business self-serve portal
Access and manage your Toronto Hydro account(s) online.
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